Holt Crossing Intermediate School

2706 Holt Road | Grove City, Ohio 43123

Phone: (614) 801-8700 | Attendance: (614) 801-8702 | Fax: (614) 871-4055 | Records: hcis.records@swcsd.us 

Michael Sears, Principal | Shane Harris, Assistant Principal

Picture of the front entrance of the Holt Crossing school building.


Peachjar flyers link.

Please see information shared from the Salvation Army for upcoming holiday programs.

Please refer to this map for traffic patterns regarding student pick up and drop off at HCI.


Throughout this year, send in your plastic bags and other products to help us to reach our goal of 1,000 pounds!  When we meet our goal, we will be able to receive a new park bench for our school.

Check out HCI's morning announcements HERE.


Keep your Infinite Campus Parent Portal information updated to get text, phone, and email updates!

The South-Western City School District uses an Internet-based program called Infinite Campus (IC) as its student information system.  Each year we add more features to our student information system.  One of the important features of Infinite Campus is the Campus Parent Portal.  The Portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled within the South-Western City School District.  Through the Portal, parents are able to access their students' information, such as class schedules, coursework, attendance and academic reports via the Internet.  Parents will also be able to submit updates to emergency and family contact information via the Portal.

Parents can also determine how and where they wish to receive emergency communications, attendance calls, general announcement messages, and e-mail messages from teachers, school and the district, as well as update emergency contact information.

Parents receive their Campus Portal Activation Key in the Back to School Letter mailed home in mid-August, prior to the start of school.  Please keep this letter in a safe location and do not share your Activation Key with anyone - even your children.

If you set-up your child and/or parent accounts during a previous school year, you will not need to change any of the information this school year to access your child's information.  However, you will need to complete the Annual Information Update every year to review the "Contact Preferences" area of your account to specify how and where you wish to receive home-school communications (including school closing notices) and update the emergency contact information.

If you no longer have your Activation Key, please contact your child's school for parent and/or student Activation Key information.  You will need to provide the appropriate identification before the school will release this confidential information to you.  Again, please keep this information in a safe place and do not share it with anyone else.

Infinite Campus Student/Parent Mobile Apps are available in both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Upcoming Events:

Language Assistance Notification:

South-Western City Schools will take reasonable steps to ensure that persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in all services, activities, and programs available throughout the district. It is the policy of SWCSD to ensure meaningful communication with LEP students and families and to communicate information related to the education of all students.  All services needed to comply with this policy will be provided for students and their families in need of such assistance free of charge. For assistance, please call 614-801-8700.

En Español:

Las escuelas de South-Western City tomarán medidas razonables para garantizar que las personas con dominio limitado del inglés (LEP) tengan un acceso fácil y la misma oportunidad de participar en todos los servicios, actividades y programas disponibles en todo el distrito. La política de SWCSD es asegurar una comunicación significativa con los estudiantes LEP,  sus familias y comunicar información relacionada con la educación de todos los estudiantes. Todos los servicios necesarios para cumplir con esta política se proporcionarán a los estudiantes y sus familias que necesiten dicha asistencia de forma gratuita. Para obtener ayuda, llame al  614-801-8700.

In Somali:

South-Western City Schools waxay qaadi doonaan talaabooyin macquul ah oo lagu hubsanayo in dadka luuqada ingiriisigu  ku yartahay (LEP) helaan marin macno u leh oo loogu simanyahay kaga qayb qaadashada dhamaan adeegyada, hawlaha, iyo barnaamijyada laga helo degmada. Waa xeer ay SWCSD ku hubinayso helitaanka xiriirka LEP ardayda iyo reerahooda macno u leh iyo sidii loogu kala war qaadan lahaa waxa ku saabsan tacliinta ardaydaydoo dhan. Dhamaan adeegyada ay is waafaqa xeerkaa waxa heli doona caawimadeeda ardayda iyo reeraha u baahan adeegaas oo ah bilaa lacag ah . Si aad u hesho adeegaas, fadlan wac 614-801-8700.

To translate our Website into another language, please follow the steps below:

1.    Right-click on any page of the Site (not the header or calendar)

2.    Click on the 'Translate to English' link under Cast.

3.    Click on the ‘Options’ drop down arrow

4.    Click on ‘Change languages’ and select the language you would like the site translated into

5.    Click on the ‘Translate’ button

From this point forward, the selection is remembered by the browser and you can right-click on any page and ‘Translate to <<chosen language>>' will appear.

If during Step 3 above, you click on ‘Always translate English’ the site will always appear in the language you select in Steps 4 & 5.

En Español:

Para traducir nuestra página de internet a otro idioma, por favor siga los siguientes pasos:

Haga clic derecho en cualquier parte de cualquier página de la red (no en el encabezado o calendario)

Haga clic en “Translate to English” (Traducir al inglés) ...

Haga clic con la flecha desplegable en donde dice  “Options” (Opciones)

Haga clic en la opción que dice “Change languages” (Cambiar idiomas) y seleccione el idioma que desea

Haga clic en la opción que dice “Translate” (Traducir)

A partir de este momento, el navegador recordará la selección escogida y puede hacer clic derecho en cualquier página y 'Translate to << idioma elegido >>' aparecerá.

Si en el paso 3, usted hace clic en 'Always translate English' (siempre traduzca en inglés), la red siempre aparecerá en el idioma que seleccionó en los pasos 4 y 5.  

In Somali:

Si aad u tarjunto websaydkeyaga luqad kale,fadlan raac tallaabooyinka hoose:

1. Riix-Midigta bog kasta ee ku yaal goobta (Aanan ahayn qeybta sare ama meesh jadwalka).

2. Riix meesha ku qoron "U tarjun Ingariis" isku xirka ka hooseeya

3. Riix meesha‘xulasho’ hoos u dhac fallarta.

4. Riix meesha ‘Beddel Luqadaha’ka dooro luqadda aad dooneyso in lagugu tarjumo goobta.

5. Riix meesha badhank ‘Tarjun’

Laga bilaabo halkan adigoo horey u soconaya,meelaha aad xulatay ayaa xusuusan doona barnaamijka kumbiyuutarka ee lagu furo xogaha hadana riix midig ee bog walba oo kuutarjumaya luqadda aad xulatay>>'ayaa kuu soo muuqanaya

Markii aad joogto talaabta 3xaad kor,oo aad riixdo"Had iyo jeer 'tarjun ingariis'Had iyo jeer boggu wuxuu ku tusinayaa laqadda aad dooratay ee talaabooyinka 4,5